Many hikers coming to Georgia arrive with their own hiking/ camping gear. But what should you do if you need to buy or rent hiking equipment in Tbilisi?
Your first option would be to contact us. We offer limited gear rental options and might be able to provide you with the stuff you need.
Other options that you could explore are:
You can buy almost everything in this store, from hiking boots to tents to snowboards. Prices are high, but the gear has good quality. The store also offers reasonably priced rental options. But if you decide to rent, make sure to check your equipment before going on the tour. We had a couple of unpleasant surprises with missing parts.
Hypermarket Xtreme
This giant store sells everything related to sports. It doesn’t offer a rental option (at least not yet), but you can check their outlet for various deals. Prices of equipment are generally mid-range.
This store is an affordable option with OK quality gear. The choice can be limited but gets gradually better.
Outdoor outlet
Here you will find a good selection of second-hand hiking gear. Prices are very affordable, and you can find here some real gems.
Hiking Shopping Community Georgia
You can use this Facebook group to buy products from individual sellers. You can find here some real gems, but as with most FB markets, there is always a risk of fraud. Keep that in mind.
Outside of Tbilisi, hiking equimpent rental and purchase options are limited. In Kazbegi, you get in touch with Mountain Freaks. Their equipment has decent quality and is affordable. But you should also recheck it before hiking, as in the past we had cases when we discovered some elements already on the tour. Plus, during the season, you may not be able to secure a last-minute rental.